
Handout for the Department Meeting 19901002

Iron Metabolism: Transferrin Receptor and Reticuloendotherial System

  1. Skikne, B.S., Flowers, C.H. and Cook, J.D. (1990) Serum Transferrin Receptor: A Quantitative Measure of Tissue Iron Deficiency. Blood, 75(9): 1870-1876.
  2. Fillet, G., Beguin, Y. and Baldelli, L. (1989) Model of Reticuloendothelial Iron Metabolism in Humans: Abnormal Behavior in Idiopathic Hemochromatosis and in Inflammation. Blood, 74(2): 844-851.
  3. Bothwell, T.H., Baynes, R.D., MacFarlane, B.J. and MacPhail, A.P. (1989) Nutritional iron requirements and food iron absorption. Journal of Internal Medicine, 226: 357-365.
  4. Linch, D.C. (1989) The regulation of erythropoiesis in man. Schweizer medizinische Wochenschrift, 119(39): 1327-1328.
  5. Kuhn, L.C. (1989) The transferrin receptor: a key function in iron metabolism. Schweizer medizinische Wochenschrift, 119(39): 1319-1326.
  6. Cook, J.D. and Skikne, B.S. (1989) Iron deficiency: definition and diagnosis. Journal of Internal Medicine, 226: 349-355.
  7. Bezkorovainy, A. (1989) Biochemistry of Nonheme Iron in Man. I. Iron Proteins and Cellular Iron Metabolism. Clinical and Physiological Biochemistry, 7: 1-17.