
Handout for the Department Meeting 19920428

Repeating pairs of surnames and population genetic structure

¶ Relethford, J.H. (1992) Analysis of Marital Structure in Massachusetts Using Repeating Pairs of Surnames. Human Biology, 64(1): 25-33.


  1. Lasker, G.W. and Kaplan, B.A. (1985) Surnames and Genetic Structure: Repetition of the same Pairs of Names of Married Couples, a Measure of Subdivision of the Population. Human Biology, 57(3): 431-440.
  2. Relethford, J.H. (1988) Estimation of Kinship and Genetic Distance from Surnames. Human Biology, 60(3): 475-492.
  3. Crow, J.F. (1980) The Estimation of Inbreeding from Isonymy. Human Biology, 52(1): 1-14.
  4. Nei, M. (1987) Molecular Evolutionary Genetics. pp.130-144, Columbia University Press, New York.
  5. Bhatia, K. and Wilson, S.R. (1981) The Application of Gene Diversity Analyses to Surname Diversity Data. Human Biology, 88: 121-133.

Hardy-Weinberg principle in population genetics (see 4.)

When X11, X12, X22 are genotype frequencies, if the size of the population is sufficiently large, and if mating is completely random and endogamous,
X11=x12, X12=2x1x2, X22=x22 (1)
where x1 and x2 are gene frequencies of the allele A1 and the allele A2, respectively.

In the small population, many factors modify genotype frequencies from this principle. With the fixation index (F),
X11=(1-F)x12+Fx1, X12=2(1-F)x1x2, X22=(1-F)x22+Fx2 (2)

If inbreeding is only a factor which affect genotype frequencies, the fixation index is same as inbreeding coefficient. In the case that the population is composed of several subdivision,
F=ð2 / E(x)(1-E(x))
where ð means standard deviation and E(x) means the average of x.

Equations used in Relethford (1992)

RP= SUMiSUMj Sij(Sij-1) / N(N-1) (1)
where Sij is the number of marriages with groom's name i and bride's name j and N is the total number of marriages (=SUMiSUMj Sij).

RPr=(SUMi Si2-N)(SUMj Sj2-N) / N2(N-1)2 (2)

z=(RP-RPr) / SE(RPr) (3)