群馬大学 | 医学部 | サイトトップ | 医学情報処理演習








Consider 4 classes of 6th grade students in a primary school, where the numbers of pupils were 30, 28, 29, and 30 for the class 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively, and the class 1 is located nearest to the teachers' room. On Monday, one of the teachers, assuming his name as Mr. X, had classes with coughing. On Tuesday, high fever attacked Mr. X. Mr. X went to his home doctor, where he was diagnosed as type A influenza. On Wednesday, the numbers of absent pupils due to flu-like symptoms were 10, 5, 4, 1 for the class 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively. The class 1 was closed.

Answer the following questions. (1) Test the hypothesis that there is no difference among the absent proportions in these 4 classes. (2) If there is any difference, find the pairs with different absent proportion (Multiple comparison should be adjusted by Holm's method). (3) Assuming the risk to be dependent on the distance from the teachers' room, of which scores are 4, 3, 2, 1 for the classes 1, 2, 3, 4, respectively, test the null-hypothesis that there is no trend of absent proportions dependent on this risk scores, using Cochran-Armitage test.

Write R scripts to do these hypothesis testing with appropriate graph drawings in the upper box. Discuss the results in the lower box. Never forget to write the student ID and name in each field.


学籍番号 (Student ID)
氏名 (Name)
メールアドレス (Mail address, if any)
解答(Rのコード)(R scripts)
解答(考察) (Discussion)