群馬大学 | 医学部 | サイトトップ | 医学情報処理演習
(The data.frame UN, which is included in the car library, consists of two variables as GDP (gross domestic products) and infant.mortality (infant mortality rates) in the United Nations countries. We drew the scattergram of gdp being horizontal axis and infant.mortality being vertical axis, with 50% and 95% probability ellipse. Then we calculated the Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient and tested the null-hypothesis that those coefficients are 0, with significance level being 0.05. The code and result with its interpretation are shown below.)
(Please write the registry number and name, fill the boxes A to D.)
(The code is shown below.)
require(car) # load and activate car package
UNs <- subset(UN, complete.cases(UN)) # exclude cases with missing values
dataEllipse(UNs$, UNs$
, levels=c(0.5,0.95)) # draw scattergram with probability ellipse of 50% and 95% CI.
cor.test(UNs$, UNs$
) # estimate Pearson's r and test the zero-correlation
cor.test(UNs$, UNs$
, method="
") # estimate Spearman's rho and test the zero-correlation
# (cf.) As shown below, logarhythmic transformation makes correlation closer to be linear.
# Lgdp <- log10(UNs$gdp)
# Linfant.mortality <- log10(UNs$infant.mortality)
# dataEllipse(Lgdp, Linfant.mortality, levels=c(0.5, 0.95)) # probability ellipse
# cor.test(Lgdp, Linfant.mortality) # Pearson's correlation
# cor.test(Lgdp, Linfant.mortality, method="spearman") # Spearman's rank correlation
図が描かれた後,ピアソンの相関係数がゼロと差が無いという帰無仮説が検定され,さらにスピアマンの順位相関係数がゼロと差が無いという帰無仮説が検定される。ピアソンの相関係数の点推定量は-0.511,スピアマンの順位相関係数の点推定量は-0.807であり,有意確率はどちらも5%より遥かに小さいので,有意水準5%で統計学的に有意な相関(1. がある|2. はない)といえる。
(After the graph is drawn, Pearson's correlation coefficient and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient are calculated, and the null-hypotheses that the coefficients are not different from 0 are tested. The point estimates of the coefficients were -0.511 and -0.807, and the p-values were far smaller than 0.05. Therefore, we can conclude that there (1. was | 2. was not) statistically significant correlation at 5% level.)