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Environmental Health Special Lecture (for GSHS) / Environmental Health (for GSICS)

Last update: 2 October 2024

1. Overview

Environmental health is one of the core curriculums in the Master of Public Health programs (currently we don't have MPH course in Kobe University, it is planned in the future). It is very important to understand the human health and survival in relation to their environmental conditions, any of physical, chemical, biological. This lecture outlines the relationships between human health and environmental factors and discuss them. The items shown below are not fully covered, but at least outlined.

Contents include the topics shown below.

Orientation and Introduction
Methods and paradigms:
Ecology and environmental health
Environmental and occupational epidemiology
Exposure assessment, industrial hygiene and environmental management
Environmental psychology, Genetics and environmental health
Environmental health ethics, environmental justice
Environmental health on the global scale:
Population pressure
Climate change
Developing nations
Environmental health on the regional scale:
Air pollution
Energy production
Healthy communities
Water and health
Environmental health on the local scale:
Solid and hazardous waste
Pest control and pesticides
Food safety
Healthy buildings
Workplace health and safety
Noise and Radiation
Environmental disasters
Nature contact
Children and environment
Practice of environmental health:
Prevention in environmental health
Environmental health practice
Geographic information systems
Risk assessment and risk communication
Environmental health policy, Legal remedies

2. Plan

The lecture is done in the second semester on Thursday, 14:50-16:20 at GSICS room 202 with Zoom for the students who cannot come to the campus.

Detailed information is given at BEEFPLUS [3K445].

  1. Orientation and Introduction (1. presentation in pdf) (3 Oct.)
  2. Ecology and environmental health (2. presentation in pdf; See, Materials and Energy in an Ecosystem, YouTube movie, As part of lecture series "General Ecology", Ecosystem Matter & Energy Flow Patterns in YouTube) (10 Oct.)
  3. Toxicology (3. presentation in pdf. See, R code for LD50 estimation from the MHLW data) (17 Oct.)
  4. Environmental and occupational epidemiology, exposure assessment (24 Oct., handout)
  5. Genetics (GMO), biodiversity, agriculture and food production (31 Oct., handout without figures)
  6. Environmental psychology (7 Nov., handout, Movie for the explanation of affordance and design, Movie for explaining proxemics)
  7. Risk assessment, management and communication (14 Nov., handout)
  8. Environmental health ethics, environmental justice (21 Nov., handout, including homework theme to get a credit)

    (Until here, methodologies and paradigms in environmental health were explained. Hereafter, some specific topics in environmental health will be given.)
  9. Population pressure (28 Nov., handout)
  10. Climate change (5 Dec., handout)
  11. Environmental disasters (12 Dec., handout, see, prevention web with UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction)
  12. Water and health (19 Dec., handout)
  13. Solid and hazardous waste (9 Jan., handout)
  14. Food safety (16 Jan., handout)
  15. Noise and radiation (23 Jan., handout)

3. Evaluation

Based on the final report.

4. Reference

Frumkin H [Ed.] (2010) Environmental Health: From Global to Local, 2nd Ed. Jossey-Bass, John Wiley and Sons.

5. Office hour

For the students of the Graduate School of Health Sciences, Tuesday, 18:00-18:30, at Myodani campus E707. For the students of GSICS, Thusday, 16:40-18:00 at Frontier Building Room 717. But in 2020 and 2021, basically done via Zoom. Taking appointment is recommended.

6. Message to the students

Done in English.

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