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Public Health Special Lecture and Practice I, II

Latest update on 29 September 2020

1. Overview

To learn public health in English. MDGs, post-MDGs (SDGs) and global health including IHR (International Health Regulations) are also explained, but the contents shoule be adjusted depending on the previous knowledge of the participants.

Basically, the lecture is given at the first semester, and the presentation and discussion for the common theme will be done at the second semester.

The overview with plan of the first semester and reference can be obtained as pdf file.

2-1. Plan of lecture at the first semester

The plan listed below only means the topics to be lectured. Some topics may take more than 2 hours, others less than 1 hour.

This class will be done on Thursday, 9:00-12:10 at GSICS Bldg.5, Room 206.

  1. [9 April 2020] "What is public health?" CePH (https://ceph.org/), WHO (About WHO, http://www.who.int/about/what-we-do/global-guardian-of-public-health.pdf; PHE, http://www.who.int/phe/about_us/en/), APHA (https://www.apha.org/what-is-public-health), CDC Foundation (http://www.cdcfoundation.org/content/what-public-health), Pittsburgh Univ. (http://www.publichealth.pitt.edu/careers/what-is-public-health), APACPH (Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health, http://www.apacph.org/wp/) / MDGs (http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/), SDGs (http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/) / WHO constitution (http://www.who.int/governance/eb/who_constitution_en.pdf) and CPH content outline (https://www.nbphe.org/documents/CPH_Content_Outline_April_2014.pdf).
  2. [16 April 2020] Alma-Ata declaration for primary health care (Recent actions for PHC: Primary Health Care (PHC) in WHO, Framework on people-centered health services, Framework on integrated, people-centered health services, Strengthening integrated, people-centered health services, Reforming Health Service Delivery for UHC; Global Conference on PHC, 25-26 Oct. 2018 at Astana) and the history of developing health promotion (from Ottawa Charter to Helsinki Statement for Health in All Policies) (1)
  3. [23 April 2020] The history of developing health promotion (from Ottawa Charter to Nairobi Call to Action - program | Nairobi call to action - statement | Helsinki Statement for Health in All Policies | Videos for Helsinki 2013 | Adelaide Statement on Health in All Policies | 9th global conference on health promotion, Shanghai 2016 | Promoting health in the SDGs | Shanghai Declaration; Zero draft with comments from member states and NGOs), [Global environmental protection] Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, Rio+20 (Videos)
  4. [30 April 2020] From "world health" and "international health" to "global health" and "planetary health" concepts: Healthy People 2020 (USA) [Global Health], Global Health Council, CDC - Global Health, World Health Report 2007: A Safer Future (WHO), Planetary Health Campaign (Rockfeller Foundation) (Commission paper and comments with infographics in Lancet), Planetary Health Alliance. Recent papers: Jackson RB et al. (2019) "Persistent fossil fuel growth threatens the Paris Agreement and planetary health" Env. Res. Let. 14: 121001., Ujué Fresán, Joan Sabaté, Vegetarian Diets: Planetary Health and Its Alignment with Human Health, Advances in Nutrition, Volume 10, Issue Supplement_4, November 2019, Pages S380–S388, https://doi.org/10.1093/advances/nmz019., Zhu, Yong-Guan, Yi Zhao, Dong Zhu, Michael Gillings, Josep Penuelas, Yong Sik Ok, Anthony Capon, and Steve Banwart. 2019. “Soil Biota, Antimicrobial Resistance and Planetary Health.” Environment International 131 (October): 105059. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2019.105059., Prescott, Susan L., and Alan C. Logan. 2019. “Planetary Health: From the Wellspring of Holistic Medicine to Personal and Public Health Imperative.” EXPLORE 15 (2): 98–106. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.explore.2018.09.002.
  5. [7 May 2020] International Health Regulations, 2005 revision (2005, WHO [Third Edition]), IHR (2005) Monitoring and Evaluation Framework: Joint External Evaluation tool (JEE tool) (2016, WHO), Presentation for overviewing IHR (PAHO), Related papers in pdf: Katz R and , 2010, Voyles J, et al., 2014, Standley CJ, et al., 2015. WHO (2017) A strategic framework for emergency preparedness. Actual PHEIC cases: Ebola 2016, MERS-CoV 2013, Zika 2016-. WHO (2015) Handbook for the Management of Public Health Events in Air Transport: Updated with information on Ebola virus disease and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. (18 July 2019) WHO declared PHEIC on Ebola outbreak at DRC!! WHO, BBC News before PHEIC. (5 May 2020) WHO declared PHEIC for COVID-19 on 30th January 2020 (cf. Time course of COVID-19 at WHO's web site)
  6. [14 May 2020] "SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH: THE SOLID FACTS" (cf. Japanese translation in Tokyo Medical and Dental University), Commission on Social Determinants of Health - Final Report by WHO Europe, Interview video with Sir Marmot, [World Conference on Social Determinants of Health] Rio Political Declaration on Social Determinants of Health 2011, Case studies on social determinants of health, Social determinants approach to public health (pdf, 222pp), WHO publications on social determinants of health, [WHO Kobe Center's Japanese Translation page]
  7. [21 May 2020] Trends and recent topics in world health situation: Using "World Health Statistics" (Top, [2019], [2017], [2016], Data visualizations dashboard). International Classification of Diseases: Announcement of ICD-11 release (Movie on YouTube), Q and A (Movie on YouTube), Contents of ICD-11 is browsable from here. WHO's official portal page is http://www.who.int/classifications/icd/en/, or https://icd.who.int/. Reference Guide is also available. Global Burden of Diseases, Causes of death visualization, Health related SDGs
  8. [28 May 2019] Urban slum problem in developing countries (handout) (cf. An e-learning materials provided by UCB is useful, Hidden Cities, Global Report on Urban Health, Urban HEART, Measuring the age-friendliness of cities, Urban Health Index tool kit, Kobe Call to Action, Healthy Urban Planning, Riley LW, et al. (2007) Slum health: Diseases of neglected populations. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 7: 2., Urban as a determinant of health, , UNU: Slam health is not urban health - The Lancet series of the health of people who live in slums)
  9. [4 June 2020] post-MDGs (Beyond2015, World we want 2015, Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs]) (handout, Sustainable Development Goals, Rio+20 | Discussion on UN Web TV | Explanation in Japanese), About the UN secretary-general statement on MDGs in 2008, Tracking Universal Health Coverage: First Global Monitoring Report
  10. [11 June 2020] Comparison of world health systems: (assignment for several countries, overview)
  11. [18 June 2020] (At first, 2 remaining students do presentation of health systems) + Community Nutritional Assessment [with presentation by 1 doctoral student] (1): Anthropometry, Bio-monitoring, Dietary Intake Research (cf. Overview of community nutritional assessment, References, WHO's child growth standards [WHO Anthro software], Norgan's paper on the different relationships between body composotion and BMI by ethnic group (UNU), Fat mass estimation equations by skinfold thickness, Reilly JJ et al., 1995, FAO's Dietary Diversity, FDSK-11, NHANES FFQ, BDHQ (habitual diet assessment tool in Japan), ASA24 (24 hours dietary recall), Nutrition Surveys and Calculations)
  12. [25 June 2020] Community Nutritional Assessment (2): Physical Activity Research (handout, DAPA Measurement Toolkit > Physical Activity Assessment, iPAQ [Japanese version], RAPA, MRC physical activity, EPAQ2 available, Review paper to compare the methods, METS reference table in Japan based on the paper [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17299487/], BMR estimation in Japan)
  13. [2 July 2020] Occupational health in international context (handout, Declaration on Occupational Health for All, WHO, 1994, WHO Global strategy on occupational health for all: The way to health at work, pdf of WHO/OCH/95.1, Declaration on workers health, WHO, 2006, 5 keys to healthy workplaces, Healthy workplaces: WHO global model for action, Healthy workplaces: a model for action --- For employers, workers, policy-makers and practitioners [Presentation resource], WHO Global Plan of Action on Worker's Health (2008-2017): Baseline for Implementation)
  14. [9 July 2020] Doctoral course student's presentation related to disaster + Humanitarian Standards (UN's "Deliver Humanitarian Aid", UNOCHA, This is OCHA 2015, Status Report) / The Sphere Project (Sphere Handbook 2011 in English, Sphere3: The Humanitarian Charter {Introducing video in YouTube}, 4 days technical training course by InterWorks, Sphere 2020: Strategic plan 2015-2020) / Videos in YouTube (The Sphere Story I, The Sphere Story II, The Sphere Story III) / Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) (Core Humanitarian Standard, CORE Humanitarian Competency Framework, Introduction to the Core Humanitarian Competency Framework: movie in YouTube)
  15. [16 July 2020] Doctoral course student's presentation related to international cooperation + Doctoral course student's presentation for immunization + Global Immunization Vision and Strategies / Global Vaccine Action Plan (As basic background knowledge of infection and immunity is needed. I recommend Open University's course on Infection and Immunity, of which Kindle text is freely available)

2-2. Plan of practice at the second semester

The topics listed below are the common theme: reviewing the theme itself or selecting any specific subject in the theme and doing presentation will be done by all participants, followed by discussion.

This class will be done on Thursday, 9:00-12:00 at GSICS Bldg. 5, Room 206. However, due to the pandemic of Covid-19, the class is done via Zoom (please see BEEF page [3I164] in detail).

  1. Orientation and assignment (1 Oct. 2020)
  2. Sustainable Development Goals (8 Oct. 2020)
  3. Poverty and Health Equity (15 Oct. 2020) see, pdf
  4. One Health and Planetary Health (22 Oct. 2020)
  5. Urban health (29 Oct. 2020)
  6. Disaster and Health / Humanitarian Standards (5 Nov. 2020)
  7. Innovations and health (12 Nov. 2020)
  8. Neglected Tropical Diseases (19 Nov. 2020)
  9. Non-communicable diseases in developing countries (26 Nov. 2020)
  10. Reproductive Health and Rights / Maternal and Child Health (3 Dec. 2020)
  11. Nutrition (1): Intake and Balance (including both deficiency and excess) (10 Dec. 2020)
  12. Nutrition (2): Expenditure (Physical activity, including behavioral aspects) (17 Dec. 2020)
  13. Culture and Health (24 Dec. 2020)
  14. Immunization strategy (incl. EPI, GAVI, GIVS, GVAP, etc.) (14 Jan. 2021)
  15. Occupational health (21 Jan. 2021)

3. Evaluation

Based on presentation and discussion. For the 1st semester, mini-reports are asked to submit.

4. Notes

Lecture and practice can be separately taken, but it's not recommended.

5. Office hour

For the students of the Graduate School of Health Sciences, Tuesday, 18:00-18:30, at Myodani campus E707. For the students of GSICS, Thusday afternoon at Frontier Building Room 717. Taking appointment is recommended.

6. Message to the students

Done in English. The participants must read some essential papers and reports in English. The students who have any experiences in developing countries are encouraged to learn this class.

7. References

Many resources can be obtained from various web sites linked above. However, if you would like to find a good comprehensive textbook, I can recommend the book below.

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