Major news on this site

Latest update on August 3, 2024 (Sat)

Lecture text for "Medical health statistics and epidemiology special lecture II" (3 August 2024)
* The lecture text for "Medical health statistics and epidemiology special lecture II" (in Japanese) is updated to revision, which is available as pdf file.
Lecture text for "Health Science Research Common Special Lecture IV, VIII (ex. Evidence based healthcare special lecture)" has been updated. (25 May 2024)
* The lecture text for "Health Sciences Common Special Lecture IV, VIII" (in Japanese) is updated to revision 1.1.1, which is available as pdf file, epub file, or html page(all in Japanese).
Lecture text for "Health Science Research Common Special Lecture IV, VIII (ex. Evidence based healthcare special lecture)" has been updated. (13 January 2024)
* The lecture text for "Health Sciences Common Special Lecture IV, VIII" (in Japanese) is updated to revision 1.1.0, which is available as pdf file, epub file, or html page(all in Japanese).
Lecture text for "Health Science Research Common Special Lecture IV, VIII (ex. Evidence based healthcare special lecture)" has been updated. (5 December 2022)
* The lecture text for "Health Sciences Common Special Lecture IV, VIII" (in Japanese) is updated to revision 1.0.7, which is available as pdf file, epub file, or html page(all in Japanese).
Lecture text for "Health Science Research Common Special Lecture IV, VIII (ex. Evidence based healthcare special lecture)" has been updated. (15 January 2021)
* The lecture text for "Health Sciences Common Special Lecture IV, VIII" (in Japanese) is updated to revision 1.0.0, which is available as pdf file, epub file, or html page(all in Japanese).
My main e-mail address is temporally unavailable (5 October 2020)
* The server is down since last Friday, so that is unreachable. If you would like to send e-mail to me, please use or
A book titled "Learning Demographic Analysis in R (in Japanese)" will be published soon.
* A book "Learning Demographic Analysis in R (in Japanese)" with support page will be published on 1st September 2020.
2019-nCoV information links and memo (in Japanese) (Since 6 January 2020)
* "2019-nCoV information links and memo (in Japanese)" is updated almost everyday.
"How to make population pyramid" (in Japanese) was revised. (19 August 2019)
* "How to make population pyramid" (in Japanese) was integrated and updated. English version is also available.
Lecture text for "Medical health statistics and epidemiology special lecture II" (3 August 2019)
* The lecture text for "Medical health statistics and epidemiology special lecture II" (in Japanese) is updated to revision 1.0, which is available as pdf file.
Lecture text for "Health Sciences Common Special Lecture IV, VIII (ex. Evidence based healthcare special lecture)" has been updated. (24 July 2019)
* The lecture text for "Health Sciences Common Special Lecture IV, VIII" (in Japanese) is updated to revision, which is available as pdf file.
Lecture text for "Health Sciences Common Special Lecture IV, VIII (ex. Evidence based healthcare special lecture)" has been updated. (26 June 2019)
* The lecture text for "Health Sciences Common Special Lecture IV, VIII" (in Japanese) is updated to revision, which is available as pdf file.
Lecture text for "Health Sciences Common Special Lecture IV, VIII (ex. Evidence based healthcare special lecture)" has been updated. (22 May 2019)
* The lecture text for "Health Sciences Common Special Lecture IV, VIII" (in Japanese) is updated to revision 0.9.7, which is available as pdf file.
Lecture text for "Medical health statistics and epidemiology special lecture II" (4 May 2019)
* The lecture text for "Medical health statistics and epidemiology special lecture II" (in Japanese) is updated to revision, which is available as pdf file.
New article has been published (8 August 2018)
* New article, What is needed to realize universal "health" coverage? The meaning of health revisited. has been publihsed as an open access article, and thus List of academic achievements is updated.
Evidence based healthcare special lecture's text has been updated (30 May 2018)
* The lecture text (version for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (in Japanese) has been uploaded. The PDF file was replaced by the new version.
Evidence based healthcare special lecture's text has been updated (6 April 2018)
* The lecture text (version 0.9.5) for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (in Japanese) has been uploaded. The PDF file was replaced by the new version.
Another textbook recompiled (27 January 2018)
"An R Workbook for Health and Medical Data Analysis" has been recompiled, in which hyperreferencing is enabled.
A textbook recompiled (26 January 2018)
Virtual 9th Pub of "An Introduction to Statistical Analysis with R" has been recompiled, in which hyperreferencing is enabled.
Textbooks updated (21 April 2017)
* The latest version of "An Introduction to Statistical Analysis with R" has been very slightly modified. It's freely available as Virtual 9th Pub.
* The lecture text (version for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (in Japanese) has been uploaded. The PDF file was replaced by the new version.
Lecture text for "Medical health statistics and epidemiology special lecture II" (6 August 2016)
* The lecture text for "Medical health statistics and epidemiology special lecture II" (in Japanese) is updated to revision, which is available as pdf file.
Lecture text for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (13 August 2015)
* The lecture text (version 0.9) for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (in Japanese) has been uploaded. The PDF file was replaced by the new version. The lecture text (0.9.9) for "Medical health statistics and epidemiology special lecture II" (in Japanese) is also available as pdf file.
Lecture text for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (26 June 2015)
* The lecture text (version 0.8.7) for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (in Japanese) has been uploaded. The PDF file was replaced by the new version.
Lecture text for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (23 May 2015)
* The lecture text (version 0.8.6) for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (in Japanese) has been uploaded. The PDF file was replaced by the new version.
Textbooks updated (6 March 2015)
* The latest versions of Japanese textbooks are freely available now, because the publisher stopped to sell those. "An Introduction to Statistical Analysis with R, 8th Pub." and "An R Workbook for Health and Medical Data Analysis".
* The lecture text (version 0.8.4) for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (in Japanese) has been uploaded. The PDF file was replaced by the new version.
Lecture text for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (27 July 2014)
* The lecture text (version 0.8.3) for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (in Japanese) has been uploaded. The PDF file was replaced by the new version.
Lecture text for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (21 May 2014)
* The lecture text (version 0.8.2) for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (in Japanese) has been uploaded. The PDF file was replaced by the new version.
Lecture text for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (29 August 2013)
* The lecture text (version 0.7) for "Evidence based health care special lecture I" (in Japanese), which covers how to plan, conduct and analyze the studies in health and medical sciences and uses R, Rcmdr and EZR for data analyses is provided as a free PDF file.
Demography special lecture with R codes (20 July 2013)
* The lecture of formal demography (using the textbook "Methods and models in demography" written by C. Newell) for the graduate course students at GSICS has started since 2013, additional information and R codes are provided at this page.
New lecture notes in English (24 August 2012)
* The lecture note for medical statistics at Gunma University was revised into 1.2.0 (in English). The software was changed from Rcmdr to EZR.
The site is moving (4 March 2012)
* The site is moving to
fmsb-0.3.0 and its manual pages (28 December 2011)
* The fmsb package was updated as fmsb-0.3.0. Manual pages are going to be prepared in English and in Japanese.
New seminar handouts in English (8 August 2011)
* How to design sample size? / Power analysis as a presentation handout for Ichimokukai (4 August 2011).
* Factor analysis in R as a rough draft in R practice seminar (25 July 2011)
* Summary of usage about stack/unstack data as a rough draft in R practice seminar (18 October 2010)
New lecture notes in Japanese (8 August 2011)
* A lecture note (pdf, in Japanese) on "information security with special reference to medical practice" added (1 August 2011).
* A lecture note (pdf, in Japanese) on "Human Ecology" at the course of "Public Health" added (27 June 2011).
* A lecture note (pdf, in Japanese) on "Elderly Health (2)" at the course of "Public Health" added (27 June 2011).
* A lecture note (pdf, in Japanese) on "Elderly Health (1)" at the course of "Public Health" added (20 June 2011).
* A lecture note (pdf, in Japanese) on "Biostatistics and experimental design" at the course of "Public Health" added (6 June 2011).
Lecture notes revised (20 May 2011)
* The lecture notes were revised into 1.1.4 (Japanese version | English version).
Lecture notes revised (22 November 2010)
* The lecture notes were revised into 1.1.3 (Japanese version | English version).
"fmsb" package has been registered in CRAN (27 August 2010)
* The functions to support Workbook for statistical data analysis in health and medicine (in Japanese, 2007, Pearson Education) were compiled as a package "fmsb" and registered in CRAN. Current version is 0.2.
Lecture notes revised (17 August 2010)
* Very incomplete two lecture notes (uploaded on 23 May 2010) were revised (Japanese version | English version).
New lecture notes (21 June 2010)
* A lecture note (pdf, in Japanese) on "Elderly Health (1)" at the course of "Public Health" added.
"How to make population pyramid" updated (18 June 2010)
* How to make population pyramid (in Japanese) was updated (added explanation to make an animation of the long-term transition of population pyramids with enhancing the aged populations by deep colors in Japan).
Handout for PAJ presentation (14 June 2010)
* A handout (pdf, in Japanese) for the theme session 1 at the 62th annual meeting of the Population Association of Japan added.
"How to make population pyramid" updated (12 June 2010)
* How to make population pyramid (in Japanese) was updated (some examples added).
New lecture notes (11 June 2010)
* A lecture note (pdf, in Japanese) on "Screening" at the course of "Public Health" added.
R tips updated (1 June 2010)
* R news and tips [J] has been updated due to R-2.11.1 official release.
New lecture notes (23 May 2010)
* For the practical course of introductory statistical analysis, using R with Rcmdr package, lecture notes (Japanese | English) added (though not completed. Those will be revised to be completed in the future).
fmsb package (13 May 2010)
* The first alpha release (version 0.1.1) of fmsb package has been open to use. This package includes several functions defined and used in the textbook "Practices of analyzing the medical and health related data by R" (in Japanese), including radarchart, odds ratios, ROC curve, and so on.
Public health lecture updated (14 April 2010)
* The lecture program of "Public Health (for 3rd grade, undergraduate students)" (Japanese | English) has been updated.
R tips updated (5 April 2010)
* In the R news and tips [J], some topics were added.
New publications (1 April 2010)
* Yamauchi T, Nakazawa M, et al. (2010) Impact of ethnic conflict on the nutritional status and quality of life of suburban villagers in the Solomon Islands. JNSV, accepted.
* Furusawa T, Naka I, Yamauchi T, Natsuhara K, Kimura R, Nakazawa M, et al. (2010) The Q223R polymorphism in LEPR is associated with obesity in Pacific Islanders. Hum Genet, 127: 287-294.
Top page design changed (1 April 2010)
* Instead of "memo", this page is shown at the inframe of the top page.
* Text search box using namazu stopped because of no necessity: This site is almost fully covered, except several protected pages, by Google.