Latest update on 2018年3月7日 (水) at 15:42:47.
もっといえば,Clay WD (1997) Preparation and use of food-based dietary guidelines.には,総エネルギー摂取のうちタンパクにより8-10%(ベジタリアンは10-12%,高齢者は12-14%),脂質により少なくとも15%(子育て中の女性は20%,活動量が多い人は最大35%まで,座業が多い人は最大30%まで),炭水化物は大抵の人で50%以上,と書かれている(このClayの文献で引用されている,WHO/FAOのジョイントカンファレンスのレポートは,これ。Annex 1に同様の記述がある)。2003年に出たTechnical reportでも計算の根拠となる情報が得られる。USAでもDietary Guideliens for Americans 2010でPFCバランスについての推奨があるし,その元になったレポートもpdfファイルが公開されているので,日本の食事摂取基準しかリファレンスがないということはない。さらにいえば,WHO/FAOのジョイントレポートやDietary Guidelines for Americans 2015を引用して太平洋諸国の人々向けに書かれたPacific Food Guideの紹介(Pacific Food Guide自体はハワイ大学のサイトに存在する)も入手できる。以上メモ。Altering diet composition without a change in total energy intake should have relatively modest effects on body weight and body fat content. There are at least two ways that such a change in diet composition could affect body weight. First, the thermic effect of carbohydrate is greater than the thermic effect of fat. Changing to a lower fat diet (assuming total energy and protein intake remain constant) means changing to a higher carbohydrate diet, which will increase total energy expenditure. The magnitude of increase in energy expenditure depends on the magnitude of change of the carbohydrate/fat ratio, but is probably relatively small and of questionable importance in body weight regulation for reducing dietary fat from 35-40% to 20-25% of total energy intake. Second, altering the carbohydrate/fat ratio of the diet requires that substrate oxidation rates be readjusted to the new macronutrient intakes. If total energy expenditure is not changed, these changes occur relatively rapidly, with carbohydrate and protein balance being reachieved more quickly than fat balance (108,109). Negative fat balance and some loss of body fat will occur until fat balance is reachieved. It is difficult to predict the rapidity with which fat balance will be reachieved following a reduction in fat (and an accompanying increase in carbohydrate intake).
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